General information

Total number of notes: 36 799 803, 36 718 813 valid, 80 990 not valid
Total value of all notes: 578 077 055 EUR

Signatures: Duisenberg: 3 633 325 (9.87%) - Trichet: 15 139 510 (41.14%) - Draghi: 16 584 426 (45.07%) - Lagarde: 1 379 404 (3.75%) - Unknown 63 138 (0.17%)
Series: 2002: 19 893 950 (54.06%) - Europa: 16 905 853 (45.94%)

Average value per note: 15.71 EUR
Average entering rate: 4477.41 notes/day (calculated by days since 1st January 2002)

Historic percent notes by ECB president
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Historic percent notes by ECB president and serie
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Monthly percent notes by ECB president
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Monthly percent notes by ECB president and serie
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Notes per User
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Uploads of CSV files to EBTCheck
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

This page has been created at 03.07.2024 09:32:21