Different digits26 notes (0.05% of all notes) contain 3 different digits624 notes (1.21% of all notes) contain 4 different digits 5218 notes (10.16% of all notes) contain 5 different digits 15907 notes (30.96% of all notes) contain 6 different digits 18950 notes (36.89% of all notes) contain 7 different digits 9136 notes (17.78% of all notes) contain 8 different digits 1444 notes (2.81% of all notes) contain 9 different digits 67 notes (0.13% of all notes) contain 10 different digits
Equal digits in a row28482 notes (55.44% of all notes) have 2 equal digits in a row3577 notes (6.96% of all notes) have 3 equal digits in a row 369 notes (0.72% of all notes) have 4 equal digits in a row 34 notes (0.07% of all notes) have 5 equal digits in a row 1 note (0.00% of all notes) have 6 equal digits in a row
James Bond 007 notes007 in the serial number - 481 of 51372 notes007 in the short code - 2269 of 51372 notes 007 in both serial number and short code - 16 of 51372 notes
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