Hit locations

Cities where I have entered hit notes

My cityNotesHitsHit ratio
Italy Milano2437 (29.30%)6 (35.29%)406.17
Italy Novate Milanese615 (7.40%)1 (5.88%)615.00
Italy Netro483 (5.81%)1 (5.88%)483.00
Italy Magnago336 (4.04%)3 (17.65%)112.00
Italy Baranzate46 (0.55%)1 (5.88%)46.00
Italy Verrone26 (0.31%)1 (5.88%)26.00
Slovenia Kranjska Gora20 (0.24%)1 (5.88%)20.00
Italy Siena7 (0.08%)1 (5.88%)7.00
Germany Dahn2 (0.02%)1 (5.88%)2.00
Italy San Damiano1 (0.01%)1 (5.88%)1.00

Frequent locations (hit partner)


Frequent directions (for standard hits)


Local hits (for standard hits)


Both ways hits


Countries where hit notes have been entered by ETR234

Germany Germany1
Italy Italy15
Slovenia Slovenia1

Countries where hit notes have been found by other users

Austria Austria1
Belgium Belgium3
Italy Italy8
Netherlands Netherlands2
Portugal Portugal1
Slovenia Slovenia2

Countries where hit partners entered hit notes: Austria Belgium Italy Netherlands Portugal Slovenia - 6 countries

Countries where ETR234 entered hit notes: Germany Italy Slovenia - 3 countries

Countries where are hit notes: Austria Belgium Germany Italy Netherlands Portugal Slovenia - 7 countries

This page has been created at 28.02.2024 16:20:36