Hit summary

Valid hits: 4 (1 national and 3 international)

Longest consecutive hit days period: 1 days from 2013-09-02 to 2013-09-02

Valid normal hits: 4
Valid triples: 0
Valid quadruples: 0
Valid quintuples: 0
Valid sextuples: 0
Valid more than six: 0

Note: Percents for national/international/moderated hits are calculated for all hits. Percents for passive and active hits are only calculated for valid hits.

Hit typeAllValidNationalPercentInternationalPercentModeratedPercentPassivePercentActivePercent

Following tables are calculated for valid hits (no moderated)

Hit ratios98.00200.00284.25

Historic hit ratio
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Hit ratio by value
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Hit finder/maker - active/passive ratio: 2 - 2 (50.00% - 50.00%)

Travel days3209.00541
Travel kilometers45735.001178

Hit typeValidkm allMinimumAverageMaximumDays allMinimumAverageMaximumSpeed minimumAverageMaximum

Historic hit travel days
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Monthly average travel days
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Historic hit travel kilometer
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Monthly average travel kilometer
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

flag flag J/S2002250.00%
flag flag N/NEuropa125.00%
flag flag T/Z2002125.00%

This page has been created at 22.08.2024 02:47:51