Countries with notes entered (3)

Italy Italy24701 (99.92 %)599052797892542210954
France France10 (0.04 %)262
Ireland Ireland9 (0.04 %)432

Accumulated notes per country
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Number of notes by cities and locations (21)

France (10 notes, 1 location)

cityzip code5102050100200500
France Parigi10 (0.04 %)262
7500310 (0.04 %)262

Ireland (9 notes, 1 location)

cityzip code5102050100200500
Ireland Dublin9 (0.04 %)432
D08 V22H9 (0.04 %)432

Italy (24701 notes, 19 locations)

cityzip code5102050100200500
Italy Briana30 (0.12 %)611481
3003330 (0.12 %)611481
Italy Camponogara17 (0.07 %)5651
3001017 (0.07 %)5651
Italy Castiglione delle Stiviere4 (0.02 %)211
460434 (0.02 %)211
Italy Cazzago22 (0.09 %)6493
3003022 (0.09 %)6493
Italy Dolo20 (0.08 %)7661
3003120 (0.08 %)7661
Italy Farra d Alpago2 (0.01 %)11
320162 (0.01 %)11
Italy Feltre2 (0.01 %)11
320322 (0.01 %)11
Italy Firenze5 (0.02 %)23
501235 (0.02 %)23
Italy Galliera Veneta591 (2.39 %)971111591903112
35015591 (2.39 %)971111591903112
Italy Marghera81 (0.33 %)4125105
3017581 (0.33 %)4125105
Italy Mirano107 (0.43 %)2731418
30035107 (0.43 %)2731418
Italy Oriago38 (0.15 %)127154
3003438 (0.15 %)127154
Italy Padova705 (2.85 %)317209134423
35131677 (2.74 %)312201121403
3513328 (0.11 %)58132
Italy Pianiga22962 (92.89 %)54074833749251547132
3003022962 (92.89 %)54074833749251547132
Italy Roma3 (0.01 %)12
001843 (0.01 %)12
Italy Sappada6 (0.02 %)222
320476 (0.02 %)222
Italy Stra23 (0.09 %)6593
3003923 (0.09 %)6593
Italy Treviso2 (0.01 %)11
311002 (0.01 %)11
Italy Venezia81 (0.33 %)4922424
3012381 (0.33 %)4922424

Alphabets of locations by country

0 notes, 1-49 notes, 50-99 notes, 100-499 notes, 500-999 notes, 1000 or more notes.


This page has been created at 04.02.2024 12:02:08