Countries with notes entered (1)

Lithuania Lithuania289 (100.00 %)6540221075023

Accumulated notes per country
click here for the chart in 1920x1080, click here for the chart in 3840x2160

Number of notes by cities and locations (4)

Lithuania (289 notes, 4 locations)

cityzip code5102050100200500
Lithuania Alytus2 (0.69 %)2
631992 (0.69 %)2
Lithuania Nida35 (12.11 %)12410
9312135 (12.11 %)12410
Lithuania Prienai251 (86.85 %)634020834023
591171 (0.35 %)1
591231 (0.35 %)1
591264 (1.38 %)22
5912741 (14.19 %)1121612
5912935 (12.11 %)26351
591313 (1.04 %)21
59142124 (42.91 %)864673423
5914329 (10.03 %)66494
5914713 (4.50 %)6115
Lithuania Å ventoji1 (0.35 %)1
003331 (0.35 %)1

Alphabets of locations by country

0 notes, 1-49 notes, 50-99 notes, 100-499 notes, 500-999 notes, 1000 or more notes.


This page has been created at 26.08.2024 09:13:48