Hit locations

Cities where I have entered hit notes

My cityNotesHitsHit ratio
Italy Trecate20048 (63.44%)48 (73.85%)417.67
Italy Novara10294 (32.57%)16 (24.62%)643.38
Italy Pavia113 (0.36%)1 (1.54%)113.00

Frequent locations (hit partner)

Italy Verbania46.15%
Italy Busto Arsizio34.62%
Germany Hagen34.62%
Italy Molinella34.62%
Austria Wien23.08%

Frequent directions (for standard hits)

Germany Hagen → Italy Novara23.08%
Italy Trecate → Italy Verbania23.08%
Italy Trecate → Italy Molinella23.08%
Italy Verbania → Italy Trecate23.08%

Local hits (for standard hits)


Both ways hits

Italy Verbania ↔ Italy Trecate4
Italy Molinella ↔ Italy Trecate3
Italy Busto Arsizio ↔ Italy Trecate2
Austria Wien ↔ Italy Trecate2

Countries where hit notes have been entered by ruspa

Italy Italy65

Countries where hit notes have been found by other users

Austria Austria4
Belgium Belgium7
Finland Finland2
France France3
Germany Germany10
Ireland Ireland1
Italy Italy34
Malta Malta1
Netherlands Netherlands3

Countries where hit partners entered hit notes: Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Malta Netherlands - 9 countries

Countries where ruspa entered hit notes: Italy - 1 country

Countries where are hit notes: Austria Belgium Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Malta Netherlands - 9 countries

This page has been created at 07.10.2024 12:34:58