Different digits

1 note (0.04% of all notes) contain 3 different digits
36 notes (1.55% of all notes) contain 4 different digits
277 notes (11.91% of all notes) contain 5 different digits
781 notes (33.58% of all notes) contain 6 different digits
831 notes (35.73% of all notes) contain 7 different digits
350 notes (15.05% of all notes) contain 8 different digits
50 notes (2.15% of all notes) contain 9 different digits

2002 1 (2.33%) 3 (6.98%) 10 (23.26%) 17 (39.53%) 10 (23.26%) 2 (4.65%)
Europa 1 (0.04%) 35 (1.53%) 274 (12.00%) 771 (33.77%) 814 (35.65%) 340 (14.89%) 48 (2.10%)
Total 1 (0.04%) 36 (1.55%) 277 (11.91%) 781 (33.58%) 831 (35.73%) 350 (15.05%) 50 (2.15%)

Equal digits in a row

1219 notes (52.41% of all notes) have 2 equal digits in a row
148 notes (6.36% of all notes) have 3 equal digits in a row
11 notes (0.47% of all notes) have 4 equal digits in a row
2 notes (0.09% of all notes) have 5 equal digits in a row

In row1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x
200215 (34.88%)25 (58.14%)3 (6.98%)
Europa931 (40.78%)1194 (52.30%)145 (6.35%)11 (0.48%)2 (0.09%)
Total946 (40.67%)1219 (52.41%)148 (6.36%)11 (0.47%)2 (0.09%)

James Bond 007 notes

007 in the serial number - 23 of 2326 notes
007 in the short code - 49 of 2326 notes
007 in both serial number and short code - 0 of 2326 notes

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