Hit locations

Cities where I have entered hit notes

My cityNotesHitsHit ratio
Latvia Riga5808 (99.93%)31 (100.00%)187.35

Frequent locations (hit partner)

Estonia Tallinn412.90%
Austria Villach39.68%
Lithuania Vilnius39.68%
Lithuania Kaunas26.45%
Latvia Riga26.45%
Latvia Rīga26.45%
Estonia Tartu26.45%
Austria Wien26.45%

Frequent directions (for standard hits)

Estonia Tallinn → Latvia Riga412.90%
Lithuania Vilnius → Latvia Riga39.68%
Lithuania Kaunas → Latvia Riga26.45%
Latvia Riga → Latvia Riga26.45%
Latvia Rīga → Latvia Riga26.45%
Estonia Tartu → Latvia Riga26.45%
Austria Villach → Latvia Riga26.45%
Austria Wien → Latvia Riga26.45%

Local hits (for standard hits)

Latvia Riga2

Both ways hits

Austria Villach ↔ Latvia Riga3

Countries where hit notes have been entered by uvy

Latvia Latvia31

Countries where hit notes have been found by other users

Austria Austria6
Estonia Estonia7
Finland Finland2
Germany Germany1
Italy Italy1
Latvia Latvia8
Lithuania Lithuania6

Countries where hit partners entered hit notes: Austria Estonia Finland Germany Italy Latvia Lithuania - 7 countries

Countries where uvy entered hit notes: Latvia - 1 country

Countries where are hit notes: Austria Estonia Finland Germany Italy Latvia Lithuania - 7 countries

This page has been created at 13.07.2024 14:19:05