Different digits

85 notes (0.04% of all notes) contain 3 different digits
2228 notes (1.14% of all notes) contain 4 different digits
19420 notes (9.93% of all notes) contain 5 different digits
59796 notes (30.56% of all notes) contain 6 different digits
72872 notes (37.25% of all notes) contain 7 different digits
35149 notes (17.97% of all notes) contain 8 different digits
5856 notes (2.99% of all notes) contain 9 different digits
262 notes (0.13% of all notes) contain 10 different digits

200214 (0.01%)690 (0.69%)7529 (7.50%)26994 (26.90%)38795 (38.66%)21868 (21.79%)4242 (4.23%)218 (0.22%)
Europa71 (0.07%)1538 (1.61%)11891 (12.48%)32802 (34.41%)34077 (35.75%)13281 (13.93%)1614 (1.69%)44 (0.05%)
Total85 (0.04%)2228 (1.14%)19420 (9.93%)59796 (30.56%)72872 (37.25%)35149 (17.97%)5856 (2.99%)262 (0.13%)

Equal digits in a row

108042 notes (55.22% of all notes) have 2 equal digits in a row
12938 notes (6.61% of all notes) have 3 equal digits in a row
1092 notes (0.56% of all notes) have 4 equal digits in a row
103 notes (0.05% of all notes) have 5 equal digits in a row
5 notes (0.00% of all notes) have 6 equal digits in a row

In row1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9x10x11x
200235719 (35.59%)57154 (56.95%)6829 (6.81%)586 (0.58%)59 (0.06%)3 (0.00%)
Europa37769 (39.62%)50888 (53.39%)6109 (6.41%)506 (0.53%)44 (0.05%)2 (0.00%)
Total73488 (37.56%)108042 (55.22%)12938 (6.61%)1092 (0.56%)103 (0.05%)5 (0.00%)

James Bond 007 notes

007 in the serial number - 1656 of 195646 notes
007 in the short code - 6548 of 195646 notes
007 in both serial number and short code - 56 of 195646 notes

This page has been created at 09.05.2024 12:11:03